As the title suggests. So it seems the inspiration and the "drive", "intrinsic motivation", whatever-you-call-it, has taken a nose dive. I had a composing goal of 20-30min. of chamber music based on the Frog image and now I have 16ish-min. and no longer feel "froggy". Not sure what to make of this, but I suppose a break from songwriting might be in order. I'm sketching ideas here and there, but nothing's sticking right now.
I don't know if I want to compile the PDF for the Frog Suite and slap it on IMSLP now, or if I should give it a few days to think about where it's going next. I still have ideas, a tuba sonata (tuba, I know), string quartets, saxophone solos, clarinet works (I play clarinet and bass clarinet, so why not?). Of course, everyone takes a vacation/rest from certain aspects of their lifes all the time, it's not shocking.
What is shocking, for me at least, is that I've now an attainable dream in life. I explain it more in this vlog, but essentially I have a desire to learn instrument repairs. It'd be a potential lifelong career in something music related, and I know that I have to patience and the desire to do something with my music knowledge. Nothing's worser than having a gift for something, never bothering with it when you're young enough to try and you wake up one much older and lacking the tenacity and patience to pursuit a goal in life that you have in your youth.
In closing this post; the Frog suite just might be done soon. New music will be on halt for some indefinite amount of time. I'm still chipping at it day-by-day, but perhaps my mind's somewhere else now. I'm pursuing the knowledge on how to fix clarinets, and maybe guitars too since that was actually my first instrument. Thanks for reading. I;ll post an update sometime in the next two weeks to let y'all know what's happening next.
Instrument repair sounds like something the fiancé wants to do as well; I am intrigued. Commisery over your lack of inspiration; let's see what happens from there, meep~