I used to animate flash cartoons as a teen, but now I compose contemporary orchestral and classical music. Instruments I Play Guitar, Ukulele, and Clarinet/Bass Clarinet.



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Tyguy80s's News

Posted by Tyguy80s - February 23rd, 2018

Starting off with this here miniature for Piccolo. I'm still gonna go for the Romances For Viola project, but seeing that I found this somewhere in the depths of a formerly jumbled folder I saw it appropreite that it'd be published. I'll rearrange the romances for violin as well just to increase accessiblity (just as many musicians enjoy Bach on the piano and his cello suites on bass clarinet, etc.). I'll try to get quite a few originals in their and maybe a couple of theme and variations or so. Glad that I can get back to actually creating material. Thanks for reading. Be sure to follow my YouTube, as I upload their daily and keep y'all posted their more often than I would here on NG.


Posted by Tyguy80s - February 21st, 2018

I'm more than elated to say that my baby's finally been born! Not an actually baby, but my latest opus rather; link: http://imslp.org/wiki/Mother's_Journey%3B_Op._44_(Boyle%2C_Tyler_John)

I'm SO done with dealing with thing. I'm glad it's over. Proud of it, but also want nothing to do with it anymore. Also, I stayed up well past midnight to finish it, so as far as what's next I'll simply state in a Vlog when I wake up later today. Thanks for reading. Shoutout to @Troisnyx and @Qu4drupleForte for chipping in on this by bestowing upon me super knowledge.


Posted by Tyguy80s - February 18th, 2018

Took a little break from the concerto. While looking through my music writing folder I stumbled upon this old idea for a piccolo and piano song. Once this concerto's finished, I'll definitely come around to finishing it and share it here! Maybe a suite for the piccolo, who knows? Definitely want to steer away from the winds for a bit after the clarinet concerto's done. A little redundant writing for winds after writing a concerto dedicated to a woodwind that I'm dedicated to (I play bass clarinet for those who don't know).

Posted by Tyguy80s - February 14th, 2018

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! A Valentine's dedicated video here.

In addition, I've re-did a previous movement from the concerto project that desperately needed the attention. Speaking of which, the concerto's just about done. Once the finale song's orchestrated and sung, the concerto'll be ready to finalize and publish as an album on bandcamp and on YouTube. I'll also update and/or reload any updated music as songs here on NG. Am very happy to say that it's almost complete. The time consuming and dull part's coming up, the part where I have to make PDFs of all the part scores and upload them to IMSLP


Once the concerto's done, and I've gone through and cleaned up my music-writing folder, I'll take a break from wind instrument writing and focus on writing string music. Things like Romances for Viola, Perhaps, some string orchestra/quartet pieces, and maybe work on a solo cello suite that I mentioned on the forums not too long ago. I definitely need to work on that part of my writing as a composer. I kinda want to do some themes and variations as well. The infinite possibilities of creative arts I suppose.


Thanks for reading. BTW if you like my content and want to follow more on what I do, you should subscribe on YouTube, since I upload there daily. More or less to advertise my music. Anywho down in Whoville thanks for reading. I'll get back to learning and creating now. Also, I respond to a lot of comments in this video.


Posted by Tyguy80s - February 11th, 2018

More or less advertising my YouTube channel while my followers wait for my new music to come out.

Posted by Tyguy80s - February 6th, 2018

The new pre-finale movement's out. Unfortunately, the crotales sound like something totally different, so that's bugging me. I'll look into some VSTs when I finalize the concerto. Looking forward to sharing the final product with y'all What's left now to write the finale, which @Troisynx has agreed to help me with. I'll also be uploading daily Music-Writing Fun Time episodes to demonstrate that. Today's episode will be present here for now but within a day you should see the latest in which I'll be working on Troisynx's song piece.


I'd say the concerto should be finalized, at this rate, within two-three weeks time at most. I'm glad to say it's almost over. Funniest part is that it's only a 20min. piece all together, but it's a pretty grand orchestration I'm going for. Honestly growing weary of working on this project. My mind's in another place musically speaking, but nonetheless I'm so close to finishing it seems wrong to not finish ASAP.


Thanks for reading. Hopefully, the next post will be within a week to let y'all know that this concerto's ready for proofreading.

Posted by Tyguy80s - February 5th, 2018


Got a bit of respondance on the interwebs recently, so I figure I'll add some content to diversify my channel. Speaking of content and entertainment, I found a fun composer article I respond to.



In other news, the latest installment of the daily music-writing fun tim series.


I'm done spamming.

Posted by Tyguy80s - February 3rd, 2018

Concerto's coming along slowly but surely. To patronize the fans wanting to know more about my projects, I've started a VLOG and a music writing series. This can satisfy more curious followers as well as serves as a video journal for me to remember ideas.

If you're reading this, please subscribe! I SPENT ALL DAY UPDATING MY YOUTUBE PAGE! 臆詠ぐ王遠駅旺 ヤぃョ安緯 ゥケ

...also I discovered a vaporwave text generator.


I did mention a @Troisnyx collab in the title and in the Music-Writing Fun Time! video above. We worked on some lyrics ideas for the finale song she might sing and we chit-chatted. The collab's result should prove lovely and worth while. Thanks for reading. Keeping blog posts more to a minimum now that I have the two YouTube Series up. Gunning for once every week or two, more or less to announce new music when I upload it.


Thanks once again for reading. The concerto's nearing the proofreading stage, Troisnyx is in on it, and now y'all have something more interesting than epic blog posts to look forward to. Have fun!




YOUR FRIENDS! カ 彙ポ 右ヮラぷトゥ火 しぞに

Posted by Tyguy80s - February 1st, 2018

UPDATE! I have a vlog that I plan on doing daily. I'll keep posting here about once a week or two, but more frequent updates and videos here on my YouTube. I'll do a dedicated post next week.


So progress was made! The Motif Apassionata's simply the concept to the pre-finale movement of my Mother's Clarinet Concerto project. I think I'll make two versions, the orchestral version as part of the concerto, but also I think I might make a legitmate piano accompianiment that could be performed by a real pianist. I might release that piano version sooner or save it for after the concerto.


Looking forward to finishing this thing. Pretty close to finishing the music and it'll be a good collection of 20min. What I'm not looking forward to is finishing all the part scores, since that'll take some time and is a lot of proofreading and compiliing. It doesn't help that it's also time for me to sift through my clutter music-writing folders and re-organize them. Like cleaning out your garage when it desperately needs it, but you've been hoarding all your old stuff in there for since you first bought the apartment/house six years ago.


BTW the image below is what I pan to have for the album cover of this project. Not sure if I'll have this image or color it or illustrate it by hand or maybe someone could pitch in a drawing. It's a clarinet leaning against a chair, but being a clarinet player I know I wouldn't dare leaving my instrument leaning like that, it's just an idea to sketch so I don't forget it later.

I'll keep whipping this concerto into shape. Thanks for reading. Hoping y'all enjoy the music once it's all done.


Posted by Tyguy80s - January 28th, 2018

So, I have this new track. I'll admit I've been... less assertive in writing music. In developing and working towards something, people do tend to get physical and mentally exhausted. Yearning to work on the next project already or rather something smaller like chamber music. A lot of my free time was more involved in YouTube videos, the informative and music educationals, music listening in general, but then a lot of comedy that really could've been saved for later.


Not complaining or saying "Oh woa is me". Rather, I'm giving an update to let y'all know where my work's at. Still finishing the concerto, and once the high school movement's done, which you just heard and excerpt from, the finale will be all that's left, then off to proofread and finalize (read make a LOT of part scores for IMSLP). Once complete, the next big project will be cleaning up and reorganizing my scorewriting folder. Just imagine a messy office, but instead of paper strewn about it's e-files in e-folders that are mislabeled and only make sense to me right now in this moment of time.


After that, who knows? A song cycle? Romances for a Viola/Violin? The Double Reed Ensemble Frog Suite I mentioned forever ago?, Humoresqes for Clarinet? (actually, sick and tired of writing for the instrument I play for a while; clarinet concerto). Possibilities. Nonetheless. I'll keep at it and hopefully I might make something worth remember to more people than just myself. Thanks for reading.